My suspicion is that two of your histograms have funny errors.
Check for Overflows/Underflows/NaN, etc. Incorrect errors of this type
will certainly crash the draw function.
Rene Brun
>Hello Rooters,
>During my analysis I ran into something which I find really hard to
>understand (in fact, I dont understand it at all) and I hope that
>someone knows where this problem comes from.
>The problem is the following:
>I have 15 data-files which contain a couple of TH1F histograms.
>One of these histograms, called signalX (where X = 1...15), has errors
>that are not the default sqrt(N) but some other number. I have
>calculated this number for all the bins, and set all the errors. I know
>for sure that this is done correctly, because when I look at the files
>interactively, I get error-bars of the size that one would expect for
>this data.
>However, I want to plot all these 15 signal histograms in a certain
>fashion on one pad. To do this i divide the pad (6 x 6) and I extract
>the histograms from the file with a line like:
> TH1F signalX("signalX","signalX",.....);
> signalX.Add((TH1F *)(TFile("binX.root")->Get("SignalX")),1.0);
>But, of course, then the errors dont get copied, so I had to change
>code somewhat. What was encouraging was the fact that I could plot all
>the signals in the way that I wanted to.
>To take the errors into account, I changed the above code into:
> TH1F signalX("signalX","signalX",....);
> PrepSignal(signalX,X,number_of_bins);
> void PrepSignal(TH1F& signal, int bin, int num_bins)
> {
> cout << "doing cycle " << bin << endl;
> TFile myfile(GetDaNameToo(bin),"READ");
> TH1F *data = (TH1F *)(myfile.Get(GetSignal(bin)));
> signal.Add(data,1.0);
> for(int i = 1; i < num_bins; i++){
> signal.SetBinError(i,data->GetBinError(i));
> }
> }
>the 'GetDaNameToo' and 'GetSignal' return the names of the appropriate
>file and Signal for the bin.
>This code workes all in all very nice, expect for the fact that I can
>not plot two of my 15 bins. When I try to plot one of them, the program
>starts hanging, and I don't get an update of my canvas or pad.
>When I exclude them, I get a nice plot, with the rest of the signals
>with the correct errors.
>I checked the Dump's of the original signal's of these two bins
>(produced them while running root interactively) and compared them with
>the ones that are produced by the above procedure. According to the
>that I then get, both of them are completly identical.
>So, my question is: what can cause this strange behaviour, and more
>important, how can I solve this ?
>Sven Schagen