This problem was recently reported and fixed in cint 5.13.59 or 60.
Thanks for report anyway.
Masaharu Goto
>1) rootcint seems to be able to produce Dictionnary for some operator
>(like the + operator), but not for the extraction operator: I made a file
>managment class called TBlockFile, and a data class, let's say TMyClass
> I define the extraction operator:
> TBlockFile & operator<<(TBlockFile &,TMyClass);
> TBlockFile & operator>>(TBlokcFile &,TMyClass &);
>Then, in the LinkDef.h file, I put the two lines:
>#pragma link C++ function operator<<(TFileBlock &,TMyClass);
>#pragma link C++ function operator>>(TFileBlock &,TMyClass &);
>Trying to generate the dictionnary with rootcint, I get the message: