Re: Using TEventList

Scott Sampson (
Mon, 1 Jun 1998 11:03:46 +0200 (MET DST)


The problem I have is that I build up a rather complicated set of cuts
using TCut. Is there currently no way to see if a particular Tree or
Ntuple entry satisfies a TCut? If not, that would mean I have to manually
retype everything in the TCut and put it in if(...) statements.


> Scott,
> The TTree::Select function is currently dummy. Sorry, I should have put
> a warning message inside. I will try to code it for the coming release.
> Meanwhile you can use the TEventList class directly:
> - Create a TEventList object
> - Loop yourself on the entries of the Tree.
> - For each entry satisfying your cut, add the entry in the eventlist.
> - Save the list on a file (eventlist->Write();)
> In an another session, you can loop on the entries in the event list
> and invoke TTRee::GetEvent for the corresponding entries.
> I hope to have all this sequence becoming automatic.
> Rene Brun