greek font

Wouter Hulsbergen (
Tue, 26 May 1998 17:58:49 +0200 (MET DST)

Dear all,
I want to put an `eta' at the horizaontal axis of a histogram. After some
puzzling I find out that
text = new TText(-1,0.939721,"h");
creates exactly the title I want in the root canvas. The chosen text-font
is `greek-medium-r-normal' and for whatever reason `h' is the roman
translation of the `eta'.
However, after saving the canvas as a ps file I find out that ps uses
another convention for translating the roman characters to their greek
variants: instead of an `eta' , my axis is titled with a `chi', also very
greek, but not exactly what I had in mind.
Of course I can find the ps eta by creating a TText with the whole roman
alphabet, as I would try if there was no roottalk. There must be a better
solution, I hope. Could anyone take care that the greek fonts for root and
for postscript agree ? Or am I doing something wrong ?
Regards, many thanks