Re: Linux root 2.07 tests broken?

Christoph Borgmeier (
Wed, 20 May 1998 10:54:12 +0200

Rene Brun wrote:
> Until this morning we had two versions of Root for Linux (Redhat 4.2
> and 5.0 under gcc 2.7). I have now added a third version generated
> under Redhat5 with egcs. g++ and egcs seems to be incompatible
> regarding some low level libraries. This looks like a mess.
> The 3 versions now available from our Web site are:
> - Redhat 4.2 with gcc 2.7
> - Redhat 5.0 with gcc 2.7
> - Redhat 5.0 with egcs 2.90.27
> the third version has been generated on my laptop with:
> ( [984] g++ -v
> Reading specs from
> /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i586-unknown-linux/egcs-2.90.27/specs
> gcc version egcs-2.90.27 980315 (egcs-1.0.2 release)


that is the runtime type information of egcs. To get g++ compatible
libraries, you need the compile option -fno-rtti and maybe

Have you thought about rebuilding the ROOT rtti on top of the standard
C++ rtti or do you use other features of the compiler, which is
already much closer to the standard than gcc 2.7?
