What I am currently doing is similar to the "Example of a Graph with
error bars" from the tutorials. What is not saved is :
- any manipulations concernig the axis of the plot (Ndivisions, title,
- any "free" text from the editor in the plot.
Am I missing something ?
If some C++ rules forbid to save a canvas in its interactively styled
outline, I can see some problems of the further use of root for analysis
Thanks in advance for your help,
Martin Braeuer
| Martin Braeuer |
| DESY -F15- (bldg. 66 r. 11) MPI fuer Kernphysik |
| Notkestrasse 85 Saupfercheckweg 1, Postf. 103980 |
| 22603 Hamburg 69029 Heidelberg |
| braeuer@desy.de braeuer@eu1.mpi-hd.mpg.de |
| tel.: +49 40 8998 4680 tel.: +49 6221 516 506 |
| +49 171 4580494 |