I'm using the rotation matrix 'normal constructor' (i.e.
TRotMatrix(Text_t *name, Text_t *title, Double_t theta, Double_t phi,
Double_t psi);
to define a rotation matrix so that I can use for rotating a shape in a
geometry defintion. When I apply the matrix to my shape (i.e. in the node)
it doesn't rotate at all.
A simplified version of my macro:
c2 = new TCanvas("c2","ott geometry test",200,10,700,500);
// Define volumes
cave = new TBRIK("CAVE","CAVE","void",1000,1000,5000);
cell5 = new TTUBE("CELL5","CELL5","void",5,6,980);
// Define rotation matrices
rotX = new TRotMatrix("rotX","rotX",90,0,0);
// Build geometry hierachy
node1 = new TNode("NODE1","NODE1","CAVE");
node2 = new TNode("NODE2","NODE2","CELL5",100,100,0,"rotX");
// Draw geometry
so node2 is always drawn parallel to the z-axis. I was wondering if I was
doing something wrong, so I used the 'GEANT constructor' of TRotMatrix and
found out that it DOES rotate. Looking at the source code of the first
(i.e. 'normal') constructor I see that the fMatrix datamember is set equal
to the identity matrix. This looks like a bug to me. Am I right?