I am begging a pardon I am asking via Roottalk. I suppose it is
a common interest question and the people would like to "know how".
I want to insert my own web link into the "ROOT" HTML document.
For example I want the "Class description" does contain a link to
some "third party" Web site.
Unfortunately ROOT THtml class converts all symbols "<" and ">"
into "<" and ">". As result my own Web link looks like the plain
text via the Web Browser.
Is there any option to disable this conversion to keep my links
within C++ comments visible and "clickable"?
I.e. I want to type
// The further explanations are present on <A HREF="http://mypage.html"> MyPage </A>
And want my user can see this via "ROOT Html page" as
// The further explanations are present on <MyPage (in blue)>
Is it possible to manage ?
With my regards,
Dr. Valeri Faine (Fine)
------------------- Phone: +1 516 344 7806
Brookhaven National Laboratory FAX : +1 516 344 4206
Bldg. 510A /STAR mailto:fine@bnl.gov
Upton, New York, 11973-5000 http://nicewww.cern.ch/~fine
Dr. Valery Fine Telex : 911621 dubna su
LCTA/Joint Inst.for Nuclear Res. Phone : +7 09621 6 40 80
141980 Dubna, Moscow region Fax : +7 09621 6 51 45
Russia mailto:fine@main1.jinr.dubna.su