Variable declaration in a macro

Axel Schwank (
Tue, 10 Feb 1998 14:07:55 +0100 (MET)

Dear Rooters,
I have a problem again and I do absolutely not see what's going wrong.
In the following macro:

// This file has been automatically generated
// (Fri Feb 6 10:17:16 1998 by ROOT version 1.03/09)
// from TTree T/Required banks for cosmic analysis
// found on file: /afs/

//Reset ROOT and connect tree file
TFile *f = new TFile("/afs/");
TTree *T = (TTree*)f->Get("T");

//Declaration of leaves types
Int_t DTRA_;
Float_t DTRA_fPtinv_tr[160];
Float_t DTRA_fPhi_tr[160];
Float_t DTRA_fThet_tr[160];
// ....
Float_t DTRA_fQ_tr[160];
UInt_t DMIS_fUniqueID[20];
UInt_t DMIS_fBits[20];

//Set branch addresses
// ....

// This is the loop skeleton
// To read only selected branches, Insert statements like:
// T->SetBranchStatus("*",0); // disable all branches
// T->SetBranchStatus("branchname",1); // activate branchname

Int_t nentries = T->GetEntries();
histo1=TH1S("DKappa","Delta Kappa",80,0,2);
histo2=TH1S("SKappa","Sigma Kappa",80,-2,2);

Float_t dkappa = 0;
Float_t skappa = 0;
Float_t kappa = 0;
Int_t nbytes = 0;
for (Int_t i=0; i<nentries;i++) {
nbytes += T->GetEvent(i);
cout << 0.5*(DTNV_fDcurv_tn[DCOS_fDtnv[0]]+DTNV_fDcurv_tn[DCOS_fDtnv2[0]]);
// skappa = DTNV_fCurv_tn[DCOS_fDtnv[0]]-DTNV_fCurv_tn[DCOS_fDtnv2[0]];
// kappa = 0.5*(DTNV_fCurv_tn[DCOS_fDtnv[0]]+DTNV_fCurv_tn[DCOS_fDtnv2[0]]);
// pt = fabsf(2.99795e-4*DMIS_fB_field[0]/kappa);
// if (pt>1 && pt<10){
// histo1.Fill(dkappa/kappa);
// histo2.Fill(skappa/kappa);
// }

ROOT complains "No symbol i in current scope" in the line containing the
for-loop !!! If i remove the comments in the following lines, the
interpreter complains "Undeclared data member skappa", even if declared.
I'm helpless, who sees the problem ?
Thanks in advance.

Axel Schwank