DST Ntuples

Modification logs.
The first version. Only ADC values are calibrated.
Ntuples files which contain calibrated variables are located under
Their contents are explained here.

Ntuple ID

Various vaiables are stored into separate Ntuple ID's
      ID Number           Contents
      100                 Run-start conditions 
      101                 Run-end conditions
      102                 Run-end summary

      1                   Event variables for only for
                          "beam trigger" events

Ntuple Variables

For run summaries
their variables are equivalent to those in raw data ntuples. Please refer to a previous page for data ntuples.
For events:
All calibrated and pedestal-subtracted data has a charcter, "c" at the beginning of variable names.
Event information
ievent                 event number
itgbit                 trigger bit pattern
itgpat(i)              trigger flag for i-th trigger
ADC of tile fiber hadron calorimeter
cadchcal(itow,isec)    itow = tower number
                       isec = section number
cadchcal_tot           totally summed energy of hcal
cadchcal_tow(itow)     summed energy in a tower
cadchcal_sec(isec)     summed energy in a section
cadchcal_sum           sum of cadchcal_tot + 1/8 * cadchcold_tot

For these summations, Ecut=1/3*MIP is appled for both hcal and hcold. 	    
ADC of old-type hadron calorimeter
cadchcold(ilr,ilay)    ilr  = left(1)/right(2) or west(1)/east(2)
                       ilay = layer number
cadchcold_tot          total energy sum of hcal-old
cadchcold_lay(ilay)    summed energy in a layer
ADC of pre-shower detector (Kobe)
cadcpresh(ilr,ifb)     ilr  = left(1)/right(2) or west(1)/east(2)
                       ifb  = front side(1)/rear side(2)
cadcpresh_tot          total energy sum of preshower
cadcpresh_lay(ifb)     summed energy in each layer
ADC of shower-max detector
cadcshmax(ibnd,ixy)    ibnd = bundle number
                       ixy  = x(1)/y(2)
ADC of Tsukuba pre-shower detector
cadctpsd              ADC output from 2280/85
cadctpsd0             another output from 2249      
ADC of synchrotron radiation detector
cadcsrd                adc output from 2280/85
ctdcsrd                tdc value
cadcsrd0               another output from 2249      
ADC of muon matrix counters
cadcmumat(icnt,ixy,ifb) icnt = counter number (left=1/upper=1)
                        ixy  = x(1)/y(2)
                       ifb  = front side(1)/rear side(2)
Multi-hit TDC data of SWDC
For SWDC at MT4:
nhtswdc4(iwir,ixy)   number of total hits for a wire
                       iwir = wire number (1 or 2)
                       ixy  = x(1)/y(2)
ctdcswdc4(ihit,iwir,ixy)   tdc values for each hit
                       ihit = hit number 
                              from 0 to nhtswdc4(iwir,ixy)
                       iwir = wire number (1 or 2)
                       ixy  = x(1)/y(2)

For SWDC at MT5 (there two SWDC's):
nhtswd51(iwir,ixy)   number of total hits for a wire
                       iwir = wire number (1 or 2)
                       ixy  = x(1)/y(2)
ctdcswd51(ihit,iwir,ixy)   tdc values for each hit
                       ihit = hit number 
                              from 0 to nhtswd51(iwir,ixy)
                       iwir = wire number (1 or 2)
                       ixy  = x(1)/y(2)

nhtswd52(iwir,ixy)   number of total hits for a wire
                       iwir = wire number (1 or 2)
                       ixy  = x(1)/y(2)
ctdcswd52(ihit,iwir,ixy)   tdc values for each hit
                       ihit = hit number 
                              from 0 to nhtswd52(iwir,ixy)
                       iwir = wire number (1 or 2)
                       ixy  = x(1)/y(2)
Hits of PWC's
For x-plane:
bitpwcx(iword)     bit pattern of coincidence register
                       iword = number of 16 bits word (1-4)
hitpwcx(iwire)     hit bit (0/1) for each wire
                       iwire = wire number (1-64)

For y-plane:
bitpwcy(iword)     bit pattern of coincidence register
                       iword = number of 16 bits word (1-2)
hitpwcy(iwire)     hit bit (0/1) for each wire
                       iwire = wire number (1-32)
Hits of Sci.Fi. TC's
For x-plane:
bitscifx(iword)     bit pattern of coincidence register
                       iword = number of 16 bits word (1-2)
hitscifx(iwire)     hit bit (0/1) for each wire
                       iwire = wire number (1-32)

For y-plane:
bitscify(iword)     bit pattern of coincidence register
                       iword = number of 16 bits word (1-2)
hitscify(iwire)     hit bit (0/1) for each wire
                       iwire = wire number (1-32)
Hits of Trigger Scinti. in upper stream
bittsc              bit pattern of coincidence register
hittsc3             hit bit (0/1) for a trigger scinti counter at MT3
hittsc41            hit bit (0/1) for counters at MT4
hittsc51            hit bit (0/1) for counters at MT5

hitveto14           hit bit (0/1) for Veto counters (#1 V #4)
TDC's of Trigger Scinti. in upper stream
ctdctsc3             tdc values for a trigger scinti counter at MT3
ctdctsc41            tdc values for counters at MT4
ctdctsc51            tdc values for counters at MT5

ctdcmutrg            tdc values for muon trigger
ctdctc4              tdc values for trigger scinti at MT6
ADC's for Trigger Scinti. at MT6
cadctsc(i)          adc values for trigger scinti. at MT6
                    i = 1  TC4
                        2  TC5
                        3  TCM
cadctc4             = cadctsc(1)
cadctc5             = cadctsc(2)
cadctcm             = cadctsc(3)
ADC of temperature Monitors
cadctemp(i)         adc values for various temprature monitors
                    i = 1   Hcal 1
                        2   Hcal 2
                        3   Side
                        4   PreShower East
                         5   PreShower West
                        6   Shower Max
ctemphc1            = cadctemp(1)            
ctemphc2            = cadctemp(2)            
ctempsid            = cadctemp(3)            
ctemppse            = cadctemp(4)            
ctemppsw            = cadctemp(5)            
ctempsmx            = cadctemp(6)            
Scaler counts
cntscale(i)         scaler counts
                    i = 1   beam trigger
                        2   muon trigger
                        3   muon matrix trigger
cntbmtrg            = cntscale(1)
cntmutrg            = cntscale(2)
cntmumtx            = cntscale(3)
Scaler counts
hitvetoc            hit bit (0/1) for veto Counter
cadcvetoc           adc value for veto Counter

Junichi Kanzaki < Junichi.Kanzaki@kek.jp>
Last modified: Tue Sep 21 05:06:12 CDT 1999