ASCII->Ntuple Conversion Program, btconv

The first version of our ASCII->Ntuple Conversion Prgram, btconv, is prepared on

  1. Please include the following path name into your PATH vaiable:
  2. Just type btconv command with a run number which you want to analyze.
          btconv "nnnn"
    Here, "nnnn" denotes the run number,
          btconv 118
    starts ntuple-conversion for data of run 118.
  3. btconv asks you for some confirmations. But, if appropriately configured, you may just hit returns. If you find something wrong, please call Kanzaki immediately.
  4. btconv is configured to read ascii files from:
    and write ntuple files to:
    For real data taking, ascii file should be copied on to e912ftp local disks to avoid unnecessary load to e912daq machine.
  5. Currently (please check the modification date on the bottom), the following detector modules are converted:
          Detector Modules                  Mnemonics
          Hcal Tile-fiber                     hcal
          Hcal Old-type                       hcold
          Pre-Shower (Kobe)                   presh
          Shower Max.                         shmax
          Muon Matrix Counters                mumat
          Prop. Wire Chamber (MWPC)           pwc
          Tsukuba Pre-Shower                  tpsd
          Sci.Fi. Trig. Counters              scifi
          Synchrotron Rad. Det.               srd
          Trigger Sci. Counters               tsc
          Single Wire D.C.                    swdc
          Temperature Monitors                temp
    If you have information for the remaining detector modules, please contact Kanzaki.
For contents of generated ntuples, please refer to another page.
Junichi Kanzaki <>
Last modified: Tue Sep 14 06:44:08 CDT 1999