Final Focus and Beam-Beam Effects
Strong and Stable Focusing System
After the full acceleration in the main linacs,
the final focus system focuses the electron and positron beams
down to a nano-meter size and makes them collide stably.
This requires strong lenses (focusing magnets) and
an active feed-back system to remove their vibrations.
Nano-meter Technology
In order to make nano-meter size beams head-on-collide stably,
JLC makes use of nano-meter technology being developed for VLSI
fabrication or ultra-high-precision machining.
High Density Beam-Beam Interactions
When ultra-high density electron and positron beams collide,
they pinch each other and oscillate due to the strong
electromagnetic field produced by the opposing beams.
This phenomenon is called beam-beam effects.
The high luminosity of JLC requires a careful choice of
beam shape parameters, which in turn necessitates
detailed computer simulations of the beam-beam effects.

Collision of electron and positron beams (a computer simulation)
1 femto-second =10^-15 seconds.
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