39th Linear Collider Project Committee Agenda

1. Date-time: 23 June 2017 (Fridday) 13:00 ~ 15:00
2. Place: High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, 4th Build. 1F Seminar Hall


I. Agenda, reports and discussion
  1. KEK DG report(15min), M.Yamauchi (KEK-DG)
  2. Domestic and international situations(10min), S. Yamashita
  3. MEXT working group of the organization and management(10min), K.Kawagoe
  4. High Energy committee(10min), Y.Okada
  5. ILC preparation office(10min), Y.Okada
  6. LC R&D liaison meeting(15min), S.Michizono
  7. LC accelerator review committee report, N.Toge
  8. Physics and detector(15min), K.Fujii
  9. AWLC17(10min),H.Yamamoto
  10. Discussion(15min), All