DRAFT*DRAFT*DRAFT*DRAFT (Brian Foster version) 031106

Charge for the International Technology Recommendation Committee (formerly the Wise Persons Committee)

General Considerations

The International Technology Recommendation Committee (the Committee) will recommend an LC technology to the International Linear Collider Steering Committee (ILCSC). The choice will be between a Room Temperature (warm) technology and a (cold) Superconducting Technology. The recommendation should be based on all relevant scientific, technical, schedule and cost considerations. A major reference for the Committee will be the recently issued International Linear Collider Technical Review Committee Second Report 2003" http://www.slac.stanford.edu/xorg/ilc-trc/2002/2002/report/03rep.htm To reach its recommendation the Committee will hear presentations from the design proponents addressing the above issues. The agendas of the presentations will be approved by the Committee in advance to assure uniformity of coverage of the technologies put forward. The Committee may ask for expert advice on any of the considerations listed above, drawing first on the ILCSC and its expert subcommittees, then moving beyond the ILCSC as necessary and appropriate. Relevant input from the world particle physics community will be solicited in the form of letters to the ILCSC.

Scientific Criteria

The technology recommended shall be capable of meeting the scope and parameters set forth by the ILCSC, the ILC Parameters Document

Technical Criteria

Using the ICFA Technical Review Committee report and materials supplied by technical experts that may be called, the Committee will make its recommendation based partly on its judgment of the potential capabilities of each technology for achieving the energies and the peak and integrated luminosities needed to carry out the currently understood scientific program, as envisioned in the ILC Parameters Document.

Schedule Criteria

Timely completion of the construction of Stage I of the project, up to 500 GeV c.m. energy with either technology is of the utmost importance. To guide its recommendation, the Committee should compare the milestones relating to design, engineering and industrialization for each of the two technologies being considered - drawing on expert opinion as to the credibility of the milestones.

Cost Criteria

The Committee will need to take into account any significant cost differential between the two technologies being examined for completing the 500 GeV cm project, and should give appropriate weight to cost differences between and possibly any upgrades set forth in the ILC Parameters Document . The cost information should be based on available estimates as well as on the Committee's own judgments as to the reliability or completeness of the cost estimates. The Committee needs to decide what items are to be included in the cost estimates in arriving at its own comparative analyses.

Operation of the Committee

The Committee should take ownership of its own agenda. However, the ILCSC considers it helpful to make some suggestions regarding procedure.

It would seem appropriate to begin with an extensive tutorial on the LC given by experts from the Accelerator Sub-committee of the ILCSC. This will also acquaint Committee members with the experts from whom they can solicit advice.

Following that, visits to the three major LC technology sites, DESY, KEK and SLAC in as close a sequence as possible, would help to solidify understanding of the status and issues while allowing the Committee to receive input on each technology while the memory of the other is still fresh.

Further, deliberative, meetings will be necessary and should be held in some relatively neutral environment with infrastructure capable of handling the Committee's needs. To afford the committee access to expert advice when needed, the ILCSC Accelerator Sub-committee should be in session on site at the Committee meeting place during their meetings.