ILCSC Nov. 19, Paris

Tentative Agenda (rev. 10/16/03)


1.     Receive report from Parameters Subcommittee

2.     Receive interim report from the Task Force on the (pre) Global Design Organization

3.     Report from the ILCSC Secretary regarding the web site and sharing of minutes of the regional SG's

4.     Finalize the Chair recommendation of ILCSC for the International Technology Recommendation Committee and transmitting our recommendations for the ITRC to the ICFA Chair for timely action by ICFA

5.     Discussion of the Charge for the ITRC

6.     Discussion of how and where to announce the ITRC formation and charge

7.     Staffing for the ITRC

8.     Review details of the next meeting to be held in association with the next ICFA meeting in February

9.     As time allows, begin discussion of ILCSC position on global governance, leadership and management