############################################################################## # # Configuration file for installing base-level tools of ILC Software v01-13 # # This cfg file is part 1 of a 2 step installation procedure: # # Part 1 installs the so called "base-level" tools of the ilcsoft release # (base-level tools are the tools which do not have dependencies and can # therefore be 're-linked' from release to release # # base-level tools are typically installed to: # /afs/desy.de/project/ilcsoft/sw/i386_gcc34_sl4/ # # Part 2 is done with cfg file release_v01-09.cfg and installs the # remaining software which has dependencies and therefore needs to # be re-installed from release to release. Part 2 installation links # to the packages installed with Part 1 # # ilcsoft releases are typically installed to: # /afs/desy.de/project/ilcsoft/sw/i386_gcc34_sl4/v01-13 # v01-13 is the # release version # # Please do not forget to modify the directories in this cfg file # according to your system !! # # Alternatively to the 2 step installation procedure you may choose to # use the release_v01-13-scratch.cfg configuration file which installs # all software in one single step. The only disadvantage is that future # installations of new releases have to go into the same directory of the # previous installation for being able to re-use the base-level tools of the # old installation (or require significant changes in the configuration file) # # Author: F. Gaede, J. Engels, DESY # Date: Jun 30, 2010 # ############################################################################## import os, sys # read package versions from external file path_where_this_file_lives = os.path.dirname( config_file ) versions_file = os.path.join( path_where_this_file_lives, "release-versions-base.py" ) execfile( versions_file ) # installation directory if not 'ilcsoft_install_dir' in dir(): if not 'ilcsoft_install_prefix' in dir(): # default install prefix ilcsoft_install_prefix = "$HOME/ilcsoft" ilcsoft_install_dir = ilcsoft_install_prefix ilcsoft_install_dir = "/proj/soft/gcc462/ext" ilcsoft = ILCSoft( ilcsoft_install_dir ) # global options ilcsoft.env["MAKEOPTS"]="-j 16" ilcsoft.env["CXX"]="g++" ilcsoft.env["CC"]="gcc" ilcsoft.env["FC"]="gfortran" if( ilcsoft.os.isSL(4) ): ilcsoft.env["FC"]="g77" #--------- uncomment the following to build 32-bit mode on 64bit machines--- # default is now 64bit-native build # (note: you need a 64-bit version of cernlib pre-installed ) # #ilcsoft.env["CXXFLAGS"]="-m32" #ilcsoft.env["CFLAGS"]="-m32" #ilcsoft.env["FFLAGS"]="-m32" #ilcsoft.env["LDFLAGS"]="-m32" #--------- set to 'OFF' to build 64-bit natively ------- #ilcsoft.envcmake["BUILD_32BIT_COMPATIBLE"]="OFF" #---------------------------------------------------------------- # ----- build and install documentation ------------- ilcsoft.envcmake["INSTALL_DOC"]="ON" ilcsoft.envcmake["FORTRAN_LIBRARY_SEARCH_PATH"]="/opt/gcc-4.6.2/lib64/" ilcsoft.envcmake["CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE"]= "RelWithDebInfo" ilcsoft.downloadType = "svn" # additional system pathes for FIND_LIBRARY, FIND_PATH #----------------------------------------------- #ilcsoft.env["CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH"]="/usr/lib/gcc/i386-redhat-linux/3.4.3:/another/path/lib" #ilcsoft.env["CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH"]="/usr/include/c++/3.4.3:/another/path/include" #----------------------------------------------- ########################################################### # ------ packages with no install support ------------- # need to be pre-installed on your system if 'MySQL_path' in dir(): ilcsoft.use( MySQL( MySQL_path )) # ----------------------------------------------------- #----- configs ------------------------------------------------------ ilcsoft.install( ConfigPKG( "StandardConfig", StandardConfig_version )) ilcsoft.module( "StandardConfig").download.root = "marlinreco" ilcsoft.install( ConfigPKG( "MokkaDBConfig", MokkaDBConfig_version )) ilcsoft.module( "MokkaDBConfig").download.root = "ilctools" ilcsoft.install( ConfigPKG( "LCFI_MokkaBasedNets", LCFI_MokkaBasedNets_version )) ilcsoft.module( "LCFI_MokkaBasedNets" ).download.root = "tagnet" # ------------------------------------------------------------------- ilcsoft.install( ILCUTIL( ILCUTIL_version )) ilcsoft.install( CondDBMySQL( CondDBMySQL_version )) ilcsoft.install( CED( CED_version )) # ---- optionally build the CED event display # ---- requires GLUT and OpenGL installed on your system ilcsoft.module("CED").envcmake['CED_SERVER']='ON' ilcsoft.install( FastJet( FastJet_version )) # ilcsoft.install( ROOT( ROOT_version )) # ilcsoft.install( CLHEP( CLHEP_version )) # ilcsoft.install( GSL( GSL_version )) # ilcsoft.install( QT( QT_version )) ilcsoft.use( ROOT( ilcPath + "root/" + ROOT_version )) ilcsoft.use( CLHEP( ilcPath + "CLHEP/" + CLHEP_version )) ilcsoft.use( GSL( ilcPath + "gsl/" + GSL_version )) ilcsoft.use( QT( ilcPath + "QT/" + QT_version )) # cmake # ilcsoft.install( CMake( CMake_version )) ilcsoft.use( CMake( ilcPath + "CMake/" + CMake_version ) ) # end of configuration file