===== Gross Summary ===== 1) Run0001-0042 ; tuning, test runs. 2) Run0043-0110 ; Energy scan at HCAL center. 3) Run0111-0162 ; Boundary injection at 2GeV. 4) Run0163-0197 ; Cosmic runs w/o beam. 5) Run0199-0213 ; DeFocus runs. 6) Run0214-0282 ; GSO-part1. GSO main. 7) Run0284-0310 ; GSO-part2. HCAL main. 8) Run0311-0333 ; Energy Re-Scan at HCAL center. 9) Run0334-0343 ; DeFocus runs. X-lined-up. 10)Run0344-0378 ; 2.5GeV at HCAL center. 11)Run0380-0388 ; x-scan with 2.5GeV. 12)Run0389-0467 ; x-rescan with 2.0GeV. 13)Run0468-0497 ; corner injection. Defocused but x-shifted. 14)Run0498-0508 ; boundary injection. Defocused and x-lined-up. ------+----+-----+-----+-----+---------+-----+-------+----6---------7---------8 RunNo Trig P Nbeam Nmuon Date Time Log C O M M E N T S ------+----+-----+-----+-----+---------+-----+-------+----6---------7---------8 RUN002 [e ] -2.0 05000 00000 20.06.98 00:05 V1.P132 testDAQ RUN003 [e ] -2.0 05000 00000 20.06.98 00:54 V1.P132 testDAQ RUN004 [e ] -2.0 05000 00000 20.06.98 00:59 V1.P132 testDAQ RUN005 [e ] -2.0 05000 00000 20.06.98 00:02 V1.P132 testDAQ RUN006 [e ] -2.0 05000 00000 20.06.98 00:04 V1.P132 testDAQ RUN007 [e ] -2.0 05000 00000 20.06.98 00:08 V1.P132 testDAQ RUN008 [e ] -2.0 05000 00000 20.06.98 00:10 V1.P132 testDAQ RUN009 [e ] -2.0 05000 00000 20.06.98 00:17 V1.P132 testDAQ RUN010 [e ] -2.0 05000 00000 20.06.98 00:28 V1.P132 testDAQ RUN012 [e ] -2.0 01000 00000 20.06.98 00:31 V1.P132 testDAQ RUN013 [e ] -0.0 01000 00000 20.06.98 00:37 V1.P132 PMTcheck RUN014 [e ] -0.0 01000 00000 20.06.98 00:08 V1.P132 PMTcheck RUN015 [e ] -2.0 01000 00000 20.06.98 00:57 V1.P132 none RUN016 [e ] -2.0 01000 00000 20.06.98 00:00 V1.P132 test RUN017 [e ] -2.0 01000 00000 20.06.98 00:03 V1.P132 test RUN018 [e ] -2.0 01000 00000 20.06.98 00:04 V1.P132 test RUN019 [e ] -2.0 01000 00000 20.06.98 00:07 V1.P132 test RUN020 [e ] -2.0 01000 00000 20.06.98 00:11 V1.P132 test RUN021 [e ] -2.0 01000 00000 20.06.98 00:16 V1.P132 test RUN022 [e ] -2.0 01000 00000 20.06.98 00:18 V1.P132 test RUN023 [pi] -2.0 00500 00000 20.06.98 00:21 V1.P134 DAQ freezed RUN024 [pi] -2.0 00526 00000 20.06.98 00:25 V1.P134 DAQ freezed RUN025 [pi] -2.0 00396 00000 20.06.98 00:29 V1.P134 DAQ freezed RUN026 [pi] -2.0 03882 00000 20.06.98 00:41 V1.P134 DAQ freezed 20.06.98 03:18 V1.P134 Trigger logic modified RUN027 [e ] -3.0 05000 00000 20.06.98 00:50 V1.P134 test RUN028 [e ] -2.0 01000 00000 20.06.98 00:51 V1.P134 test RUN029 [e ] -2.0 01000 00000 20.06.98 00:53 V1.P134 test RUN030 [e ] -2.0 01000 00000 20.06.98 00:58 V1.P134 test RUN031 [e ] -2.0 01000 00000 20.06.98 00:02 V1.P134 test RUN032 [e ] -2.0 01000 00000 20.06.98 00:05 V1.P134 test RUN033 [e ] -2.0 01000 00000 20.06.98 00:09 V1.P134 test RUN034 [e ] -2.0 01000 00000 20.06.98 00:15 V1.P134 test RUN035 [e ] -2.0 01000 00000 20.06.98 00:18 V1.P134 test RUN036 [e ] -2.0 01000 00000 20.06.98 00:19 V1.P134 test RUN037 [e ] -2.0 01000 00000 20.06.98 00:21 V1.P134 test RUN038 [e ] -2.0 01000 00000 20.06.98 00:22 V1.P134 test RUN039 [e ] -2.0 01000 00000 20.06.98 00:23 V1.P134 test RUN040 [e ] -2.0 01000 00000 20.06.98 00:24 V1.P134 test RUN041 [e ] -2.0 01000 00000 20.06.98 00:29 V1.P134 test RUN042 [e ] -2.0 01000 00000 20.06.98 00:30 V1.P134 test 20.06.98 04:30 V1.P135 Tuning end. DAQ start. ------+----+-----+-----+-----+---------+-----+-------+----6---------7---------8 RunNo Trig P Nbeam Nmuon Date Time Log C O M M E N T S ------+----+-----+-----+-----+---------+-----+-------+----6---------7---------8 RUN043 [pi] -2.0 05000 00000 20.06.98 04:31 V1.P135 RUN044 [pi] -2.0 05000 00048 20.06.98 04:36 V1.P135 RUN045 [e ] -2.0 00413 00000 20.06.98 04:40 V1.P135 Run abort. RUN046 [ ] -2.0 20.06.98 04:41 V1.P135 DAQ freez. File empty. RUN047 [e ] -2.0 05000 00000 20.06.98 04:44 V1.P135 20.06.98 04:50 V1.P135 Energy = -3.0GeV. RUN048 [pi] -3.0 01897 00261 20.06.98 04:54 V1.P135 Disk-FULL. Data2/3lost. RUN049 [pi] -3.0 05000 00032 20.06.98 05:35 V1.P136 RUN050 [ ] -3.0 20.06.98 05:39 V1.P136 DAQ freeze. File empty. RUN051 [e ] -3.0 05000 01338 20.06.98 05:46 V1.P136 20.06.98 05:58 V1.P136 $1,PMT13 HV 2600V>2400V RUN052 [e ] -3.0 05000 00000 20.06.98 06:00 V1.P136 overflow CHECK RUN053 [e ] -3.0 05000 01456 20.06.98 06:03 V1.P136 RUN054 [mu] -3.0 00604 01120 20.06.98 06:18 V1.P137 20.06.98 06:44 V1.P137 Energy = -4.0GeV. 20.06.98 07:04 V1.P138 Energy = -2.0GeV. RUN055 [pi] -2.0 05000 00037 20.06.98 07:06 V1.P138 RUN056 [e ] -2.0 05000 00544 20.06.98 07:13 V1.P138 RUN057 [pi] -2.0 05000 00053 20.06.98 07:21 V1.P138 RUN058 [e ] -2.0 05000 00519 20.06.98 07:26 V1.P138 20.06.98 07:34 V1.P139 Energy = -3.0GeV. RUN059 [pi] -3.0 05000 00022 20.06.98 07:35 V1.P139 RUN060 [e ] -3.0 05000 01345 20.06.98 07:40 V1.P139 RUN061 [pi] -3.0 05000 00035 20.06.98 07:53 V1.P139 RUN062 [e ] -3.0 05000 01384 20.06.98 07:58 V1.P139 20.06.98 08:11 V1.P139 Muon counter moved. 20.06.98 09:47 V1.P144 Beam ON. E=-2.0GeV. RUN064 [e ] -2.0 05000 00000 20.06.98 12:00 test RUN065 [e ] -2.0 05000 00000 20.06.98 12:02 test RUN066 [pi] -2.0 07490 00062 20.06.98 12:03 V1.P153 20.06.98 12:30 V1.P155 Energy = -4.0GeV. RUN067 [pi] -4.0 05696 00017 20.06.98 12:31 V1.P155 RUN068 [e ] -4.0 05002 02392 20.06.98 12:42 V1.P155 Ce=1atm 20.06.98 13:50 V1.P156 Energy = -2.0GeV. RUN071 [ ] -2.0 00100 00000 20.06.98 14:03 test RUN072 [ ] -2.0 00100 00000 20.06.98 14:05 test RUN073 [ ] -2.0 00100 00000 20.06.98 14:08 test RUN074 [ ] -2.0 00100 00000 20.06.98 14:15 test RUN075 [ ] -2.0 00100 00000 20.06.98 14:18 test RUN076 [ ] -2.0 00100 00000 20.06.98 14:31 test 20.06.98 14:50 V1.P157 Energy = -2.5GeV. RUN077 [mu] -2.5 05797 01374 20.06.98 14:55 V1.P157 RUN078 [e ] -2.5 06322 01548 20.06.98 15:08 V1.P157 RUN079 [pi] -2.0 05109 00047 20.06.98 15:20 V1.P157 20.06.98 15:30 V1.P158 Beam OFF RUN080 [pi] -0.0 00000 00028 20.06.98 15:30 V1.P158 Cosmic RUN. 28ev/44min. 20.06.98 18:30 V1.P161 Beam ON. E=-2.5GeV. RUN081 [e ] -2.5 05012 01210 20.06.98 18:35 V1.P161 Defocus RUN. Q4=0 20.06.98 18:56 V1.P161 Energy = -2.0GeV. 20.06.98 19:19 V1.P163 Energy = -1.0GeV. RUN082 [e ] -1.0 00010 00000 20.06.98 19:42 test RUN083 [e ] -1.0 00010 00000 20.06.98 19:43 test RUN084 [e ] -1.0 05000 00003 20.06.98 19:46 V1.P164 RUN085 [e ] -1.0 05000 00002 20.06.98 19:55 V1.P164 RUN086 [pi] -1.0 05000 00000 20.06.98 20:05 V1.P165 RUN087 [pi] -1.0 04975 00001 20.06.98 20:10 V1.P165 20.06.98 20:15 Energy = -4.0GeV. RUN088 [pi] -4.0 05000 00016 20.06.98 20:20 V1.P166 RUN089 [mu] -4.0 00157 00000 20.06.98 20:26 V1.P166 Run aborted. RUN090 [mu] -4.0 05000 00412 20.06.98 20:30 V1.P167 20.06.98 20:36 V1.P167 Ce-pressure 1.0=>0.8atm RUN091 [ ] -4.0 20.06.98 20:48 V1.P168 Run abort. File empty. RUN092 [e ] -4.0 05000 03028 20.06.98 20:49 V1.P168 LED2 timing corrected. RUN093 [mu] -4.0 05000 00427 20.06.98 21:16 V1.P170 RUN094 [ ] 20.06.98 22:10 V1.P171 test. No data file. 20.06.98 22:20 V1.P173 Energy = -3.0GeV. RUN095 [pi] -3.0 05000 00035 20.06.98 22:21 V1.P173 RUN096 [e ] -3.0 00038 00000 20.06.98 22:28 V1.P173 Run aborted. RUN097 [ ] 20.06.98 22:30 test. No data file. RUN098 [e ] -3.0 05000 02156 20.06.98 22:41 V1.P174 20.06.98 22:55 V1.P174 Found $4,PMT6-25 HV was off since r#66. ------+----+-----+-----+-----+---------+-----+-------+----6---------7---------8 RunNo Trig P Nbeam Nmuon Date Time Log C O M M E N T S ------+----+-----+-----+-----+---------+-----+-------+----6---------7---------8 RUN099 [pi] -3.0 05000 00050 20.06.98 23:57 V1.P176 RUN100 [pi] -3.0 05000 00034 20.06.98 23:08 V1.P176 RUN101 [e ] -3.0 05000 02211 20.06.98 23:21 V1.P177 RUN102 [mu] -3.0 05000 00853 20.06.98 23:35 V1.P177 RUN103 [mu] -3.0 05000 00858 20.06.98 23:45 V1.P178 20.06.98 23:52 V1.P175 Energy = -4.0GeV. RUN104 [pi] -4.0 05000 00013 20.06.98 23:55 V1.P178 RUN105 [pi] -4.0 05000 00015 21.06.98 00:00 V1.P179 RUN106 [e ] -4.0 05000 02975 21.06.98 00:05 V1.P179 21.06.98 00:27 V1.P180 E = -1.0GeV. Ce=1atm. RUN107 [pi] -1.0 00046 00000 21.06.98 00:48 V1.P180 Run aborted. RUN108 [pi] -1.0 10000 00002 21.06.98 00:50 V1.P181 21.06.98 01:00 V1.P180 Energy = -2.0GeV. RUN109 [pi] -2.0 10000 00095 21.06.98 01:04 V1.P181 RUN110 [e ] -2.0 10000 01489 21.06.98 01:15 V1.P182 21.06.98 01:37 V1.P182 Energy = -1.0GeV. ------+----+-----+-----+-----+---------+-----+-------+----6---------7---------8 RunNo Trig P Nbeam Nmuon Date Time Log C O M M E N T S ------+----+-----+-----+-----+---------+-----+-------+----6---------7---------8 21.06.98 02:30 V1.P183 HCAL moved 10cm to left 21.06.98 02:37 V1.P184 Energy = -2.0GeV. RUN111 [mu] -2.0 00150 00000 21.06.98 02:33 test RUN112 [pi] -2.0 10000 00096 21.06.98 02:35 V1.P184 RUN113 [pi] -2.0 10000 00054 21.06.98 02:53 V1.P184 RUN114 [pi] -2.0 10000 00081 21.06.98 03:02 V1.P185 RUN115 [pi] -2.0 10000 00092 21.06.98 03:10 V1.P185 RUN116 [e ] -2.0 10000 00071 21.06.98 03:19 V1.P186 RUN117 [pi] -2.0 00218 00000 21.06.98 03:56 test RUN118 [ ] -2.0 21.06.98 03:57 V1.P188 Run abort. File empty. RUN119 [pi] -2.0 10000 00062 21.06.98 04:12 V1.P188 RUN120 test. No data file. RUN121 [pi] -2.0 50000 00405 21.06.98 04:31 V1.P189 RUN122 [ ] -2.0 00727 00000 21.06.98 06:18 V1.P193 Run aborted. 21.06.98 06:20 V1.P193 Energy = -3.0GeV. RUN123 [pi] -3.0 50000 00000 21.06.98 06:20 V1.P193 21.06.98 06:53 V1.P194 Energy = -2.0GeV. RUN124 test. No data file. RUN125 [pi] -2.0 50641 00886 21.06.98 06:58 V1.P194 RUN126 [e ] -2.0 25335 00000 21.06.98 07:45 V1.P195 DAQ version wrong. RUN127 [e ] -2.0 00018 00000 21.06.98 08:21 V1.P196 Run aborted. RUN128 V1.P196 DAQ test. No data file. RUN129 [e ] -2.0 24906 02773 21.06.98 08:29 V1.P195 ------+----+-----+-----+-----+---------+-----+-------+----6---------7---------8 21.06.98 09:00 V2.P004 Omori-group started. RUN130 [e ] -2.0 29298 03427 21.06.98 10:21 V2.P004 [during_OMORI_test] RUN131 [e ] -2.0 25669 03717 21.06.98 11:47 V2.P005 Run aborted. RUN132 [e ] -2.0 11551 01326 21.06.98 14:17 V2.P006 [DAQ_with_OMORI ] RUN133 [e ] -2.0 17279 02196 21.06.98 15:00 V2.P008 [DAQ_with_OMORI ] RUN134 [pi] -2.0 20028 00161 21.06.98 16:04 V2.P008 RUN135 [ ] -2.0 21.06.98 16:25 V2.P011 test. No data file. RUN136 [ ] -2.0 21.06.98 16:53 V2.P011 test. No data file. RUN137 [ ] -2.0 21.06.98 17:46 V2.P011 test. No data file. RUN138 [e ] -2.0 06350 01102 21.06.98 18:52 V2.P011 with PMT-LED. RUN139 [ ] 00001 00261 21.06.98 20:23 V2.P012 No beam. RUN140 [mu] -2.0 09997 02744 21.06.98 20:56 V2.P013 [with_OMORI] RUN141 [pi] -2.0 20009 00366 21.06.98 21:53 V2.P014 [with_OMORI] RUN142 [ ] 00021 07489 21.06.98 22:28 V2.P014 No Beam [with_OMORI] RUN143 [ ] 00047 15699 21.06.98 23:35 V2.P014 No Beam 22.06.98 01:00 Omori-group finished. ------+----+-----+-----+-----+---------+-----+-------+----6---------7---------8 RunNo Trig P Nbeam Nmuon Date Time Log C O M M E N T S ------+----+-----+-----+-----+---------+-----+-------+----6---------7---------8 22.06.98 01:17 V2.P015 Move HCAL to R by 5cm. Now 5cm left. RUN144 [e ] -2.0 05888 00625 22.06.98 01:37 V2.P016 [-2.0GeV_e_north5cm] 22.06.98 01:17 V2.P015 Move HCAL to L by 2cm. Now 7cm left. RUN145 [e ] -2.0 04612 00494 22.06.98 02:42 V2.P019 N-7cm. ON BOUNDARY. RUN146 [e ] -2.0 10739 01000 22.06.98 02:58 V2.P021 N-7cm. ON BOUNDARY. RUN147 [e ] -2.0 05153 00482 22.06.98 03:19 V2.P022 N-7cm. ON BOUNDARY. RUN148 [e ] -2.0 08015 00098 22.06.98 03:31 V2.P022 N-7cm. ON BOUNDARY. RUN149 [ ] -2.0 22.06.98 03:47 V2.P023 DAQ freez. No File. RUN150 [ ] -2.0 22.06.98 03:52 V2.P023 DAQ freez. No File. RUN151 [ ] -2.0 22.06.98 V2.P024 DAQ freez. No File. RUN152 [ ] -2.0 22.06.98 04:01 V2.P024 DAQ freez. No File. RUN153 [ ] -2.0 22.06.98 04:08 V2.P024 DAQ freez. No File. RUN154 [pi] -2.0 21094 00213 22.06.98 04:17 V2.P024 N-7cm. ON BOUNDARY. RUN155 [e ] -2.0 15000 01375 22.06.98 04:39 V2.P024 N-7cm. ON BOUNDARY. RUN156 [e ] -2.0 15000 00000 22.06.98 05:07 V2.P025 N-7cm. ON BOUNDARY. RUN157 [e ] -2.0 15000 01375 22.06.98 05:33 V2.P025 N-7cm. ON BOUNDARY. RUN158 [ ] -2.0 22.06.98 05:59 DAQ freez. File empty. RUN159 [pi] -2.0 02229 00000 22.06.98 06:20 N-7cm. RUN aborted. RUN160 [pi] -2.0 15000 00132 22.06.98 06:23 V2.P026 N-7cm. ON BOUNDARY. RUN161 [mu] -2.0 13000 00000 22.06.98 06:38 V2.P026 N-7cm. ON BOUNDARY. RUN162 [ ] -2.0 00000 05973 22.06.98 08:02 V2.P029 N-7cm.Defocus. ------+----+-----+-----+-----+---------+-----+-------+----6---------7---------8 RunNo Trig P Nbeam Nmuon Date Time Log C O M M E N T S ------+----+-----+-----+-----+---------+-----+-------+----6---------7---------8 22.06.98 09:00 V2.P030 Beam Stop. RUN163 [ ] 0 00000 00105 22.06.98 09:28 V2.P033 Cosmic Run w/o beam. RUN164 [ ] 0 00000 00103 22.06.98 12:37 V2.P037 Cosmic Run w/o beam. RUN165 [ ] 0 00000 00056 22.06.98 15:31 V2.P037 Cosmic Run w/o beam. 22.06.98 15:40 V2.P038 Move HCAL to R by 7cm. Now at the CENTER. RUN166 [ ] 0 00000 00033 22.06.98 17:23 V2.P038 Cosmic Run w/o beam. RUN168 [ ] 0 00000 00036 22.06.98 19:09 V2.P039 Cosmic Run w/o beam. RUN170 [ ] 0 00000 00046 22.06.98 23:16 V2.P054 Cosmic Run w/o beam. RUN171 [ ] 0 00000 00102 23.06.98 01:07 V2.P054 Cosmic Run w/o beam. RUN172 [ ] 0 00000 00008 23.06.98 05:26 V2.P055 Cosmic Run w/o beam. RUN173 [ ] 0 00000 00123 23.06.98 07:46 V2.P059 Cosmic Run w/o beam. RUN174 [ ] 0 00000 00000 23.06.98 11:12 V2.P060 Cosmic Run w/o beam. RUN175 [ ] 0 00000 00056 23.06.98 14:44 V2.P061 Cosmic Run w/o beam. RUN176 [ ] 0 00000 00119 23.06.98 15:47 V2.P061 Cosmic Run w/o beam. RUN177 [ ] 0 00000 00289 23.06.98 18:55 V2.P062 Cosmic Run w/o beam. RUN178 [ ] 0 00000 00000 23.06.98 No data file RUN179 [ ] 0 00000 00153 24.06.98 02:05 V2.P063 Cosmic Run w/o beam. RUN180 [ ] 0 00000 00124 24.06.98 05:27 V2.P063 Cosmic Run w/o beam. RUN181 [ ] 0 00000 00134 24.06.98 09:00 V2.P066 Cosmic Run w/o beam. RUN182 [ ] 0 00000 00001 24.06.98 13:04 V2.P067 PMT test $4-ch RUN183 [ ] 0 00000 00025 24.06.98 15:06 V2.P068 led_run RUN184 [ ] 0 00000 00047 24.06.98 15:51 V2.P069 pmtstability RUN185 [ ] 0 00000 00027 24.06.98 16:38 V2.P069 led_run RUN186 [ ] 0 00000 00031 24.06.98 17:24 V2.P070 led_run RUN187 [ ] 0 00000 00076 24.06.98 19:38 V2.P076 HV-check RUN188 [ ] 0 00000 00034 24.06.98 22:07 V2.P078 HV-check RUN189 [ ] 0 00000 00020 24.06.98 22:53 V2.P078 HV-check RUN190 [ ] 0 00000 00054 25.06.98 00:10 V2.P079 HV-check RUN191 [ ] 0 00000 00063 25.06.98 01:52 V2.P080 cosmic RUN192 [ ] 0 00000 00013 25.06.98 04:58 V2.P082 LED after HV chenge RUN193 [ ] 0 00000 00096 25.06.98 08:43 V2.P080 cosmic. RUN193 of V2.P083 is non-existent RUN194 [ ] 0 00000 00060 25.06.98 13:57 V2.P087 cosmic RUN196 [ ] 0 00000 00048 25.06.98 16:01 V2.P087 cosmic RUN197 [ ] 0 00000 00020 25.06.98 17:43 V2.P088 cosmic ------+----+-----+-----+-----+---------+-----+-------+----6---------7---------8 RunNo Trig P Nbeam Nmuon Date Time Log C O M M E N T S ------+----+-----+-----+-----+---------+-----+-------+----6---------7---------8 25.06.98 18:25 V2.P088 Beam ON. Energy=-2.0GeV 25.06.98 20:35 V2.P092 Energy = -1.0GeV. 25.06.98 20:40 V2.P093 Energy = -3.0GeV. 25.06.98 20:52 V2.P094 Energy = -4.0GeV. RUN199 [ ] 0 26.06.98 00:26 V2.P100 No data file. RUN200 [ ] 0 26.06.98 00:31 V2.P100 No data file. RUN201 [ ] 0 26.06.98 00:33 V2.P100 No data file. RUN202 [ ] -2.0 00000 00027 26.06.98 00:38 V2.P100 [deforcus run ] RUN203 [pi] -2.0 00485 07389 26.06.98 01:30 V2.P101 [deforcus run ] RUN204 [ ] -2.0 26.06.98 02:36 V2.P102 No data file. RUN205 [ ] -2.0 26.06.98 0?:40 No data file. RUN206 [ ] -2.0 26.06.98 0?:43 No data file. RUN207 [pi] -2.0 00001 12504 26.06.98 04:15 V2.P103 [cal ] RUN208 [ ] -2.0 00000 10065 26.06.98 06:05 V2.P103 [deforcus run ] 26.06.98 07:20 V2.P104 Energy = -3.0GeV. RUN209 [pi] -3.0 10000 00149 26.06.98 07:23 V2.P104 RUN210 [mu] -3.0 10000 08442 26.06.98 07:32 V2.P104 RUN211 [pi] -3.0 10000 00150 26.06.98 08:06 V2.P105 26.06.98 08:13 V2.P105 Energy = -2.0GeV. RUN212 [ ] -2.0 00000 00000 26.06.98 08:17 No data file. RUN213 [ ] -2.0 00384 05123 26.06.98 08:27 V2.P106 [deforcusrun ] ------+----+-----+-----+-----+---------+-----+-------+----6---------7---------8 RunNo Trig P Nbeam Nmuon Date Time Log C O M M E N T S ------+----+-----+-----+-----+---------+-----+-------+----6---------7---------8 26.06.98 09:00 V2.P108 GSO team started. RUN214 [e ] -2.0 01000 00255 26.06.98 12:42 V2.P109 RUN215 [e ] -2.0 05000 00000 26.06.98 13:02 V2.P109 RUN216 [ ] 0 00010 00000 26.06.98 13:20 V2.P110 DAQ test RUN217 [ ] 0 00010 00000 26.06.98 13:31 V2.P110 DAQ test RUN218 [e ] -1.0 05000 01158 26.06.98 13:36 V2.P110 [none ] RUN219 [e ] -2.0 05000 01161 26.06.98 13:56 V2.P111 [none ] RUN220 [e ] -2.0 01000 00226 26.06.98 14:10 V2.P112 [e-chambercheck ] RUN221 [e ] -4.0 01210 01483 26.06.98 14:33 V2.P113 [-4.0GeV-e-GSO-PMT ] RUN222 [e ] -4.0 01000 00000 26.06.98 14:43 [PMTHV_150Vdown ] RUN223 [e ] -4.0 00868 01047 26.06.98 14:49 V2.P114 [pmtHV-100V ] RUN224 [e ] -4.0 00482 00637 26.06.98 14:57 V2.P115 [-4.0GeV-e-GSO-PMT ] RUN225 [e ] -4.0 03000 03838 26.06.98 15:02 V2.P116 [none ] RUN226 [e ] -4.0 03000 00017 26.06.98 15:40 V2.P116 [-4.0GeV-pi-GSO-PMT] RUN227 [mu] -4.0 04500 00556 26.06.98 15:45 V2.P117 [-4.0GeV-mu-GSO-c ] RUN228 [e ] -3.0 03000 02340 26.06.98 16:01 V2.P118 [-4.0GeV-e-GSO-PMT ] RUN229 [pi] -3.0 03000 00018 26.06.98 16:11 V2.P118 [-3.0GeV-pi-GSO-PMT] RUN230 [mu] -3.0 04500 00718 26.06.98 16:16 V2.P119 [-3.0GeV-mu-GSO-PMT] RUN231 [e ] -2.0 03000 00721 26.06.98 16:25 V2.P119 [-2.0GeV-e-GSO-PMT ] RUN232 [pi] -2.0 03000 00028 26.06.98 16:32 V2.P120 [-2.0GeV-pi-GSO-PMT] RUN233 [mu] -2.0 09000 01223 26.06.98 16:37 V2.P120 [-2.0GeV-mu-GSO-PMT] RUN234 [e ] -1.0 03000 00003 26.06.98 16:52 V2.P121 [-1.0GeV-e-GSO-PMT ] RUN235 [pi] -1.0 03000 00000 26.06.98 16:59 V2.P121 [-1.0GeV-pi-GSO-PMT] RUN236 [e ] -1.0 06000 00007 26.06.98 17:13 V2.P122 [-1.0GeV-e-GSO-PMT ] RUN238 [e ] -2.0 06000 01438 26.06.98 17:29 V2.P123 [-2.0GeV-e-GSOPMT ] RUN239 [e ] -2.0 06000 00000 26.06.98 18:21 V2.P125 [test ] RUN240 [e ] -2.0 06000 00000 26.06.98 18:25 V2.P125 [test ] RUN241 [e ] -2.0 06000 00000 26.06.98 18:27 V2.P125 [test ] RUN242 [mu] -2.0 03000 00525 26.06.98 18:28 V2.P125 [-2.0GeVmu-GSO-y1 ] RUN243 [mu] -2.0 10000 01761 26.06.98 18:41 V2.P126 [-2.0GeVmu-GSO-Y1 ] RUN244 [mu] -2.0 10000 01786 26.06.98 19:08 V2.P127 [-2.0GeV-Mu-GSO-y2 ] RUN246 [mu] -2.0 10000 01803 26.06.98 19:54 V2.P128 [-2.0GeVmu-GSO-PMT-] RUN247 [mu] -2.0 10000 01805 26.06.98 20:11 V2.P129 [-2.0GeVmu-GSO-PMT-] RUN248 [mu] -2.0 10000 02061 26.06.98 20:43 V2.P129 [-2.0GeVmu-GSO-Y6 ] RUN249 [ ] -2.0 00003 07202 26.06.98 21:39 V2.P130 [deforcus ] RUN250 [mu] -2.0 03000 00000 27.06.98 00:50 V2.P131 JUNK RUN RUN251 [mu] -2.0 00500 00348 27.06.98 00:57 V2.P132 [-2.0GeV-mu-y1 ] RUN253 [mu] -2.0 01000 00000 27.06.98 01:02 V2.P132 [-2.0GeV-mu-y2 ] RUN254 [mu] -2.0 01000 00563 27.06.98 01:03 V2.P132 [-2.0GeV-mu-y2 ] RUN255 [mu] -2.0 01000 00541 27.06.98 01:07 V2.P133 [-2.0GeV-mu-y3 ] RUN256 [mu] -2.0 01000 00485 27.06.98 01:12 V2.P133 [-2.0GeV-mu-y4 ] RUN257 [mu] -2.0 01000 00404 27.06.98 01:16 V2.P134 [-2.0GeV-mu-y5 ] RUN258 [mu] -2.0 01000 00581 27.06.98 01:24 V2.P134 [-2.0GeV-mu-y6 ] RUN259 [mu] -2.0 01000 00539 27.06.98 01:28 V2.P135 [-2.0GeV-mu-y7 ] RUN260 [mu] -2.0 01000 00665 27.06.98 01:32 V2.P136 [-2.0GeV-mu-y8 ] RUN261 [mu] -2.0 01000 00562 27.06.98 01:39 V2.P137 [-2.0GeV-mu-y9 ] RUN262 [e ] -2.0 00000 00000 27.06.98 03:22 V2.P140 [PDtest ] RUN263 [e ] -2.0 00000 00000 27.06.98 03:24 V2.P140 [PDtest ] RUN264 [e ] -2.0 00000 00000 27.06.98 03:25 V2.P140 [PDtest ] RUN265 [e ] -2.0 01000 00000 27.06.98 03:26 V2.P140 [PDtest ] RUN266 [e ] -2.0 01000 00254 27.06.98 03:29 V2.P140 [PDtest ] RUN267 [e ] -2.0 03963 01018 27.06.98 03:37 V2.P141 [-2.0GeV-e-GSO-PD ] RUN268 [e ] -4.0 00528 00667 27.06.98 04:59 V2.P141 [test ] RUN269 [e ] -4.0 03000 03768 27.06.98 05:05 V2.P142 [-4.0GeV-e-GSO-PD ] RUN270 [e ] -4.0 03000 03603 27.06.98 05:25 V2.P142 [-4.0GeV-e-GSO-PD ] RUN272 [e ] -3.0 03000 02047 27.06.98 05:45 V2.P143 [-3.0GeV-e-GSO-PD ] RUN273 [e ] -3.0 03000 01844 27.06.98 05:56 V2.P143 [-3.0GeV-e-GSO-PD ] RUN274 [e ] -2.0 06000 01540 27.06.98 06:07 V2.P144 [-2.0GeV-e-GSO-PD ] RUN275 [e ] -1.0 06000 00008 27.06.98 06:22 V2.P144 [-1.0GeV-e-GSO-PD ] RUN276 [pi] -1.0 04500 00000 27.06.98 06:33 V2.P145 [-1.0GeV-pi-GSO-PD ] RUN277 [pi] -2.0 04500 00095 27.06.98 06:39 V2.P145 [-2.0GeV-pi-GSO-PD ] RUN278 [mu] -2.0 04500 00707 27.06.98 06:44 V2.P146 [-2.0GeV-mu-GSO-PD ] RUN279 [mu] -3.0 04500 00789 27.06.98 06:51 V2.P147 [-3.0GeV-mu-GSO-PD ] RUN280 [pi] -3.0 04500 00093 27.06.98 06:59 V2.P147 [-3.0GeV-pi-GSO-PD ] RUN281 [pi] -4.0 04500 00025 27.06.98 07:04 V2.P148 [-4.0GeV-pi-GSO-PD ] RUN282 [mu] -4.0 04500 00000 27.06.98 07:08 V2.P148 [-4.0GeV-mu-GSO-PD ] ------+----+-----+-----+-----+---------+-----+-------+----6---------7---------8 RunNo Trig P Nbeam Nmuon Date Time Log C O M M E N T S ------+----+-----+-----+-----+---------+-----+-------+----6---------7---------8 RUN284 [e ] -2.0 04500 00000 27.06.98 08:57 [test ] RUN285 [e ] -2.0 04500 00227 27.06.98 08:58 V2.P149 [test ] RUN286 [e ] -2.0 10000 00000 27.06.98 09:11 V2.P151 [test ] RUN287 [e ] -2.0 10000 00000 27.06.98 09:14 V2.P151 [test ] RUN288 [pi] -2.0 10000 00130 27.06.98 09:33 V2.P152 [-2.0GeV_pi+GSO ] RUN289 [e ] -2.0 10000 02515 27.06.98 09:43 V2.P153 [-2.0GeV_e+GSO ] RUN290 [pi] -1.0 10000 00003 27.06.98 10:05 V2.P154 [-1.0GeV_pi+GSO ] RUN291 [e ] -1.0 10000 00012 27.06.98 10:14 V2.P154 [-1.0GeV_e+GSO ] RUN292 [pi] -3.0 10000 00188 27.06.98 10:35 V2.P155 [-3.0GeV_pi+GSO ] RUN293 [pi] -2.0 10000 00129 27.06.98 10:59 V2.P156 [-2.0GeV_e+GSO ] RUN294 [e ] -2.0 10000 02375 27.06.98 11:07 V2.P156 [-2.0GeV_pi+GSO ] RUN295 [pi] -1.0 10000 00004 27.06.98 11:27 V2.P157 [-1.0GeV_pi+GSO ] RUN296 [e ] -1.0 10000 00014 27.06.98 11:37 V2.P158 [-1.0GeV_e+GSO ] RUN297 [e ] -3.0 10000 06343 27.06.98 11:54 V2.P158 [-3.0GeV_e+GSO ] RUN298 [mu] -4.0 10000 00000 27.06.98 12:40 V2.P159 [GSO ] RUN299 [pi] -4.0 10000 00046 27.06.98 12:45 V2.P160 [GSO ] RUN300 [e ] -4.0 10000 12964 27.06.98 12:54 V2.P160 [-4.0GeV_e+GSO ] RUN301 [mu] -3.0 05022 03413 27.06.98 14:06 V2.P161 [-3.0GeV_mu+GSO ] RUN302 [mu] -3.0 10000 01561 27.06.98 14:21 V2.P162 [-3.0GeV_mu_GSOcal ] RUN303 [pi] -2.0 10000 00090 27.06.98 14:38 V2.P163 [-2.0GeV_pi+GSO ] RUN304 [ ] -2.0 27.06.98 14:46 V2.P163 Disk Full. No data file. RUN305 [e ] -2.0 10000 02303 27.06.98 15:02 V2.P164 [-2.0GeV_e+GSO ] RUN306 [e ] -2.0 00000 00000 27.06.98 15:40 V2.P164 Junk Run RUN307 [pi] -2.5 10000 00102 27.06.98 15:40 V2.P166 RUN308 [e ] -2.5 10000 04190 27.06.98 15:48 V2.P166 RUN309 [ ] -2.5 10000 00000 27.06.98 16:09 RUN310 [e ] -2.5 10000 04313 27.06.98 16:11 V2.P167 27.06.98 16:30 V2.P168 Beam Off. GSO removed. ------+----+-----+-----+-----+---------+-----+-------+----6---------7---------8 RunNo Trig P Nbeam Nmuon Date Time Log C O M M E N T S ------+----+-----+-----+-----+---------+-----+-------+----6---------7---------8 RUN311 [pi] -2.0 03000 00000 27.06.98 18:38 V2.P170 JLC Chamber tuning RUN312 [pi] -2.0 03000 00063 27.06.98 18:56 V2.P170 JLC Chamber tuning RUN313 [pi] -2.0 03000 00040 27.06.98 19:03 V2.P171 JLC Chamber tuning RUN314 [pi] -2.0 03000 00049 27.06.98 19:21 V2.P171 JLC Chamber tuning RUN315 [pi] -2.0 03000 00050 27.06.98 19:34 V2.P172 JLC Chamber tuning RUN316 [pi] -2.0 03000 00041 27.06.98 20:55 V2.P175 JLC Chamber tuning RUN317 [pi] -2.0 03000 00054 27.06.98 21:42 V2.P176 JLC Chamber tuning RUN318 [ ] -2.0 00000 00000 27.06.98 21:49 V2.P176 JUNK RUN RUN319 [pi] -2.0 03000 00093 27.06.98 21:52 V2.P177 JLC Chamber tuning RUN320 [pi] -2.0 03000 00061 27.06.98 22:08 V2.P177 JLC Chamber tuning RUN321 [pi] -2.0 10000 00280 27.06.98 22:38 V2.P179 RUN322 [e ] -2.0 10000 04219 27.06.98 22:51 V2.P179 27.06.98 23:15 V2.P180 Energy = -3.0GeV. RUN323 [e ] -3.0 10000 09080 27.06.98 23:17 V2.P180 RUN324 [ ] -3.0 27.06.98 23:50 V2.P181 DAQ Freezed. No File. RUN325 [pi] -3.0 10000 00168 28.06.98 00:03 V2.P181 RUN326 [ ] -3.0 28.06.98 00:16 V2.P182 DAQ Freezed. No File. RUN327 [mu] -3.0 10000 04233 28.06.98 00:34 V2.P182 28.06.98 00:50 V2.P183 Energy = -1.0GeV. RUN328 [pi] -1.0 10000 00005 28.06.98 00:56 V2.P183 RUN329 [e ] -1.0 10000 00005 28.06.98 01:10 V2.P183 28.06.98 01:25 V2.P184 Energy = -2.5GeV. RUN330 [e ] -2.5 10000 06684 28.06.98 01:28 V2.P184 RUN331 [pi] -2.5 10000 00211 28.06.98 01:54 V2.P185 28.06.98 02:10 V2.P186 E =-4.0GeV. Ce=0.8atm. RUN332 [e ] -4.0 10000 16683 28.06.98 02:12 V2.P186 RUN333 [pi] -4.0 10000 00066 28.06.98 03:18 V2.P187 28.06.98 03:20 V2.P186 E =-2.0GeV. Ce=1.0atm. RUN334 [ ] -2.0 00000 02019 28.06.98 04:02 V2.P188 defocus run RUN335 [ ] -2.0 00000 03007 28.06.98 04:58 V2.P189 defocus run RUN336 [ ] -2.0 00001 05003 28.06.98 05:29 V2.P190 defocus run RUN337 [ ] -2.0 00000 01428 28.06.98 06:37 V2.P191 defocus run RUN338 [ ] -2.0 28.06.98 06:59 test. No data file. RUN339 [pi] -2.0 01000 00039 28.06.98 07:01 V2.P192 test RUN340 [ ] -2.0 00000 00000 28.06.98 07:31 test RUN341 [pi] -2.0 01000 00047 28.06.98 07:32 V2.P192 test RUN342 [mu] -2.0 05000 00799 28.06.98 07:54 V2.P193 defocus run RUN343 [ ] -2.0 00000 05861 28.06.98 08:31 V2.P195 defocus run 28.06.98 10:04 V3.P001 Energy = -2.5GeV. RUN344 [ ] -2.5 28.06.98 10:11 test. No data file. RUN345 [e ] -2.5 00000 00822 28.06.98 10:12 V3.P001 test. RUN346 [ ] -2.5 28.06.98 10:30 test. No data file. RUN347 [ ] -2.5 28.06.98 10:32 test. No data file. RUN348 [ ] -2.5 28.06.98 test. No data file. RUN349 [ ] -2.5 00050 00000 28.06.98 10:38 test. RUN350 [ ] -2.5 00000 00000 28.06.98 10:41 test. RUN351 [ ] -2.5 00000 00000 28.06.98 10:48 test. RUN352 [e ] -2.5 00001 02333 28.06.98 10:53 V3.P002 test. RUN353 [e ] -2.5 00450 03007 28.06.98 11:11 V3.P004 RUN354 [pi] -2.5 05000 00137 28.06.98 12:09 V3.P006 test. RUN355 [pi] -2.5 05000 00143 28.06.98 12:17 V3.P007 test. RUN356 [pi] -2.5 05000 00052 28.06.98 12:26 V3.P007 DAQ freezed. RUN357 [pi] -2.5 28.06.98 12:33 V3.P008 DAQ freezed. File empty RUN358 [pi] -2.5 28.06.98 12:40 V3.P008 DAQ freezed. File empty RUN359 [pi] -2.5 28.06.98 12:47 V3.P008 DAQ freezed. File empty RUN360 [ ] -2.5 05000 00000 28.06.98 12:54 test. RUN361 [pi] -2.5 05000 00136 28.06.98 12:58 V3.P008 test. RUN362 [ ] -2.5 28.06.98 13:07 V3.P009 DAQ freezed. File empty ------+----+-----+-----+-----+---------+-----+-------+----6---------7---------8 RunNo Trig P Nbeam Nmuon Date Time Log C O M M E N T S ------+----+-----+-----+-----+---------+-----+-------+----6---------7---------8 RUN363 [pi] -2.5 05000 00143 28.06.98 13:14 V3.P009 after_reset RUN364 [pi] -2.5 05000 00127 28.06.98 13:27 V3.P010 RUN365 [pi] -2.5 05000 00156 28.06.98 13:34 V3.P010 RUN366 [pi] -2.5 05000 00126 28.06.98 13:46 V3.P011 RUN367 [e ] -2.5 05000 03265 28.06.98 13:57 V3.P011 RUN368 [e ] -2.5 05000 03321 28.06.98 14:12 V3.P012 RUN369 [mu] -2.5 05000 02770 28.06.98 14:25 V3.P012 RUN370 [ ] -2.5 28.06.98 14:57 V3.P015 DAQ freeze. No File. RUN371 [pi] -2.5 05000 00138 28.06.98 15:05 V3.P016 RUN372 [e ] -2.5 05000 03307 28.06.98 15:14 V3.P016 RUN373 [mu] -2.5 05000 02792 28.06.98 15:28 V3.P017 RUN374 [ ] -2.5 28.06.98 15:48 V3.P017 DAQ freeze. File empty. RUN375 [e ] -2.5 05000 03233 28.06.98 16:02 V3.P018 RUN376 [ ] -2.5 28.06.98 16:16 No data file. RUN377 [pi] -2.5 02385 00044 28.06.98 17:27 V3.P020 check RUN378 [pi] -2.5 05000 00119 28.06.98 17:39 V3.P020 ------+----+-----+-----+-----+---------+-----+-------+----6---------7---------8 28.06.98 17:50 V3.P020 x-scan starts. RUN380 [pi] -2.5 05000 00117 28.06.98 18:05 V3.P022 [+2cm ] RUN381 [e ] -2.5 05000 02022 28.06.98 18:13 V3.P023 [+2cm ] RUN382 [e ] -2.5 05000 02042 28.06.98 18:26 V3.P023 [2.5GeV_e_+2cm ] RUN383 [pi] -2.5 05000 00092 28.06.98 18:38 V3.P024 [2.5GeV_pi_+2cm ] RUN384 [pi] -2.5 05000 00090 28.06.98 18:51 V3.P025 [+4cm ] RUN385 [e ] -2.5 05000 01550 28.06.98 19:02 V3.P002 [2.5GeV_e_+4cm ] RUN386 [e ] -2.5 05000 01525 28.06.98 19:17 V3.P025 [2.5GeV_e_+4cm ] RUN387 [pi] -2.5 05000 00085 28.06.98 19:31 V3.P026 [2.5GeV_pi_+4cm ] RUN388 [e ] -2.5 05000 01561 28.06.98 19:41 V3.P026 [+4cm ] ------+----+-----+-----+-----+---------+-----+-------+----6---------7---------8 19:53 V3.P027 It seems beam energy changed somehow here. RUN389 [pi] -2.0 05000 00056 28.06.98 19:56 V3.P027 [+6cm ] RUN390 [pi] -2.0 05000 00090 28.06.98 20:05 V3.P028 [+6cm ] RUN391 [pi] -2.0 05000 00072 28.06.98 20:12 V3.P028 [+6cm ] RUN392 [e ] -2.0 05000 01142 28.06.98 20:19 V3.P029 [+6cm ] RUN393 [e ] -2.0 05000 01089 28.06.98 20:30 V3.P029 [+6cm ] RUN394 [ ] -2.0 28.06.98 20:47 V3.P030 DAQ freeze. File empty RUN395 [pi] -2.0 05000 00074 28.06.98 20:54 V3.P031 [+8cm ] RUN396 [pi] -2.0 05000 00079 28.06.98 21:01 V3.P031 [+8cm ] RUN397 [e ] -2.0 05000 00656 28.06.98 21:08 V3.P032 [+8cm ] RUN398 [e ] -2.0 05000 00755 28.06.98 21:17 V3.P032 [+8cm ] RUN399 [pi] -2.0 05000 00000 28.06.98 21:54 V3.P034 [jlc_ch_test ] RUN400 [pi] -2.0 05000 00097 28.06.98 23:35 V3.P037 [jlc_2.7kV ] RUN401 [pi] -2.0 05000 00073 28.06.98 23:59 V3.P037 [allowed_1hit ] RUN402 [ ] -2.0 29.06.98 00:11 V3.P038 DAQ freeze. No File. RUN403 [pi] -2.0 05000 00057 29.06.98 00:15 V3.P038 [HV2.4_JLCch ] RUN404 [pi] -2.0 05000 00064 29.06.98 00:39 V3.P039 [HV2.4-2hitJLCch] RUN405 [pi] -2.0 05000 00072 29.06.98 01:06 V3.P039 [T3off ] RUN406 [ ] -2.0 29.06.98 01:27 V3.P040 DAQ freeze. No File. RUN407 [pi] -2.0 20000 00239 29.06.98 01:32 V3.P041 [Q3=0_T3off ] RUN408 [pi] -2.0 03929 00048 29.06.98 01:55 V3.P042 [x_10cm ] RUN409 [e ] -2.0 05000 01065 29.06.98 02:12 V3.P042 [x_10cm ] RUN410 [e ] -2.0 05000 00681 29.06.98 02:24 V3.P043 [x=10cm_e-_2.5Ge] RUN411 [pi] -2.0 05000 00059 29.06.98 02:35 V3.P044 [+10cm ] RUN412 [ ] -2.0 29.06.98 03:04 V3.P044 DAQ freeze. No File. RUN413 [pi] -2.0 05000 00088 29.06.98 03:12 V3.P047 [x=12cm,pi-,2.5G] RUN414 [e ] -2.0 05000 00745 29.06.98 03:21 V3.P047 [x=12cm,e-,2.5Ge] RUN415 [pi] -2.0 05000 00078 29.06.98 03:35 V3.P048 [x_12cm ] RUN416 [e ] -2.0 05000 00090 29.06.98 03:44 V3.P048 [x_12cm ] RUN417 [pi] -2.0 05000 00090 29.06.98 03:55 V3.P049 [+14cm ] RUN418 [ ] -2.0 29.06.98 04:04 V3.P049 DAQ freeze. No File. RUN419 [pi] -2.0 05000 00100 29.06.98 04:10 V3.P049 [+14cm ] RUN420 [e ] -2.0 05000 00963 29.06.98 04:19 V3.P050 [+14cm ] RUN421 [e ] -2.0 05000 00954 29.06.98 04:29 V3.P050 [+14cm ] RUN422 [pi] -2.0 05000 00106 29.06.98 04:45 V3.P051 [x_16cm ] RUN423 [ ] -2.0 29.06.98 04:53 V3.P051 DAQ freeze. No File. RUN424 [pi] -2.0 05000 00111 29.06.98 04:59 V3.P052 [+16cm ] RUN425 [e ] -2.0 05000 01351 29.06.98 05:06 V3.P052 [+16cm ] RUN426 [e ] -2.0 05000 01368 29.06.98 05:19 V3.P053 [x_16cm ] RUN427 [ ] -2.0 29.06.98 05:37 V3.P053 DAQ freeze. No File. RUN428 [ ] -2.0 29.06.98 05:44 V3.P054 DAQ freeze. No File. RUN429 [ ] -2.0 29.06.98 05:46 V3.P054 DAQ freeze. No File. RUN430 [ ] -2.0 29.06.98 05:48 V3.P054 DAQ freeze. No File. RUN431 [pi] -2.0 03000 00053 29.06.98 05:53 V3.P054 [+18cm ] RUN432 [ ] -2.0 29.06.98 05:58 DAQ test. No File. RUN433 [ ] -2.0 29.06.98 06:02 DAQ test. No File. RUN434 [pi] -2.0 03000 00036 29.06.98 06:04 V3.P055 [+18cm ] RUN435 [e ] -2.0 03000 01955 29.06.98 06:08 V3.P055 [+18cm ] RUN436 [e ] -2.0 03000 01071 29.06.98 06:15 V3.P056 [+18cm ] RUN437 [pi] -2.0 03000 00051 29.06.98 06:27 V3.P056 [+20cm ] RUN438 [pi] -2.0 03000 00051 29.06.98 06:57 V3.P057 [+20cm ] RUN439 [e ] -2.0 03000 01165 29.06.98 07:00 V3.P057 [+20cm ] RUN440 [e ] -2.0 03000 01116 29.06.98 07:07 V3.P058 [+20cm ] RUN441 [mu] -2.0 03000 04039 29.06.98 07:14 V3.P058 [x+20cm_mu ] RUN442 [mu] -2.0 03000 04041 29.06.98 07:28 V3.P059 [+20cm ] 29.06.98 07:42 V3.P059 Found here that E has been -2.0GeV. RUN443 [ ] -2.0 00000 05037 29.06.98 07:44 V3.P061 [deforcus;x=+20cm ] ------+----+-----+-----+-----+---------+-----+-------+----6---------7---------8 RunNo Trig P Nbeam Nmuon Date Time Log C O M M E N T S ------+----+-----+-----+-----+---------+-----+-------+----6---------7---------8 29.06.98 08:42 V3.P061 x=center. x-rescan. RUN444 [e ] -2.0 03000 01258 29.06.98 08:43 V3.P062 [x_0cm ] RUN445 [ ] -0.0 00000 01417 29.06.98 09:10 V3.P067 cosmic w/o beam. RUN446 [ ] -0.0 00000 01471 29.06.98 14:08 V3.P068 cosmic w/o beam. RUN447 [e ] -2.0 00396 00297 29.06.98 15:04 V3.P069 GSO trig contaminated RUN448 [e ] -2.0 05000 02293 29.06.98 15:09 V3.P069 [+0cm ] RUN449 [pi] -2.0 05000 00113 29.06.98 15:20 V3.P072 [+0cm ] RUN450 [e ] -2.0 06000 02354 29.06.98 15:40 V3.P073 [+2cm ] RUN451 [pi] -2.0 06000 00239 29.06.98 15:54 V3.P073 [+2cm ] RUN452 [e ] -2.0 03000 01006 29.06.98 16:11 V3.P074 [+4cm ] RUN453 [e ] -2.0 06000 01700 29.06.98 16:29 V3.P074 [+4cm ] RUN454 [pi] -2.0 06000 00184 29.06.98 16:40 V3.P075 [+4cm ] RUN455 [pi] -2.0 06000 00165 29.06.98 16:51 V3.P075 [+6cm ] RUN456 [e ] -2.0 06000 01332 29.06.98 17:02 V3.P072 [+6cm ] RUN457 [e ] -2.0 06000 01196 29.06.98 17:20 V3.P076 [+9cm ] RUN458 [e ] -2.0 04000 00580 29.06.98 17:32 V3.P077 [+9cm ] RUN459 [pi] -2.0 10000 00198 29.06.98 17:42 V3.P077 [+9cm ] RUN460 [pi] -2.0 10000 00198 29.06.98 18:15 V3.P078 [+11cm ] RUN461 [e ] -2.0 10000 01393 29.06.98 18:29 V3.P079 [+11cm ] RUN462 [e ] -2.0 10000 04483 29.06.98 19:02 V3.P079 [-20cm ] RUN463 [pi] -2.0 10000 00282 29.06.98 19:24 V3.P080 [-20cm ] RUN464 [pi] -2.0 05000 00108 29.06.98 19:51 V3.P080 [+8cm ] RUN465 [ ] 0.0 00000 00000 29.06.98 19:59 V3.P080 [cosmic_run ] RUN466 [ ] 0.0 00000 00003 29.06.98 20:02 V3.P080 [cosmic_run ] RUN467 [e ] -2.0 05000 00765 29.06.98 20:06 V3.P082 [+8cm ] ------+----+-----+-----+-----+---------+-----+-------+----6---------7---------8 29.06.98 20:30 V3.P082 T3 y=-8.6cm; x=+8cm. RUN468 [pi] -2.0 05000 01567 29.06.98 20:45 V3.P083 t3_8cm_down RUN469 [pi] -2.0 05000 02412 29.06.98 20:55 V3.P084 defocus RUN470 [ ] -2.0 00000 00000 29.06.98 21:37 V3.P087 cosmic_run 29.06.98 22:20 V3.P086 SEEM T3 move to y=+10cm. RUN471 [pi] -2.0 05000 00460 29.06.98 23:01 V3.P088 defocus test T1T2T3 RUN472 [pi] -2.0 01000 00155 29.06.98 23:08 V3.P088 defocus test T2-off RUN473 [e ] -2.0 00100 01833 29.06.98 23:15 V3.P089 defocus test T2-off RUN474 [e ] -2.0 00111 00877 29.06.98 23:36 V3.P090 defocus T2-off,C2-off 30.06.98 00:40 V3.P095 T3 lowered by 1cm, probably to y=+9cm. RUN475 [pi] -2.0 01007 00351 30.06.98 00:43 V3.P095 defocus T2-off,T3-y=+9cm RUN476 [e ] -2.0 00000 00000 30.06.98 00:48 V3.P095 defocus T2,C2-off 30.06.98 01:40 V3.P096 HCAL moved to x=N-10cm, JLC-ch-y=+9cm, Tch1-y=+3cm, Tch2-y=+6cm. RUN477 [e ] -2.0 00500 03265 30.06.98 01:52 V3.P099 Corner=8-9-13-14, RUN478 [mu] -2.0 00500 00982 30.06.98 02:27 V3.P100 Corner, T2-off RUN479 [e ] -2.0 02041 15830 30.06.98 04:40 V3.P102 [8-9-13-14 ] RUN480 [pi] -2.0 10000 01084 30.06.98 06:15 V3.P105 [8-9-13-14 ] RUN481 [mu] -2.0 01000 02670 30.06.98 06:33 V3.P105 [junk-mu ] RUN482 [e ] -2.0 01003 07862 30.06.98 06:52 V3.P107 [8-9-13-14 ] RUN483 [e ] -2.0 00500 03014 30.06.98 07:37 V3.P108 [891314-c2-off ] RUN484 [e ] -2.0 01995 16005 30.06.98 07:59 V3.P117 [891314-c2on ] 30.06.98 09:40 V3.P117 Beam has been FOCUSED. ------+----+-----+-----+-----+---------+-----+-------+----6---------7---------8 RunNo Trig P Nbeam Nmuon Date Time Log C O M M E N T S ------+----+-----+-----+-----+---------+-----+-------+----6---------7---------8 RUN485 [ ] -2.0 00099 00880 30.06.98 09:44 V3.P118 DEFOCUS run. RUN486 [e ] -2.0 00000 00000 30.06.98 10:03 V3.P118 Failed test. C2-off-beamline, C2-trig-ON. RUN487 [e ] -2.0 00502 03900 30.06.98 10:04 V3.P119 FOCUSED, C2-removed. RUN488 [e ] -2.0 00286 01897 30.06.98 10:56 V3.P120 DEFOCUSED,C2-removed. RUN489 [e ] -2.0 02000 12344 30.06.98 11:34 V3.P120 C1,C2 y=+3cm, Focused. RUN490 [e ] -2.0 01342 10548 30.06.98 12:53 V3.P122 C1,C2 y=+3cm,DEFOCUSED. RUN491 [e ] -2.0 01010 07957 30.06.98 14:42 V3.P126 C1,C2 y=+3cm,DEFOCUSED. RUN492 [pi] -2.0 05000 00378 30.06.98 16:01 V3.P131 C1,C2 y=+3cm,DEFOCUSED. 30.06.98 V3.P131 HCAL moved to S by 9mm RUN493 [pi] -2.0 05000 00390 30.06.98 16:29 V3.P132 DEFOCUS. RUN494 [ ] -2.0 00000 00000 30.06.98 16:39 V3.P132 Run aborted. 30.06.98 V3.P133 HCAL moved to S 10cm. Now on a CORNER. RUN495 [e ] -2.0 05000 38289 30.06.98 16:44 V3.P136 Defocus, Corner RUN496 [pi] -2.0 05000 00339 30.06.98 22:58 V3.P138 Defocus, Corner RUN497 [e ] -2.0 01001 07574 30.06.98 23:09 V3.P139 Defocus, Corner 01.07.98 00:25 V3.P139 HCAL moved to x=center. E=-2.5GeV, defocus. RUN498 [pi] -2.5 05000 00583 01.07.98 00:37 V3.P140 Defocus.[8-13boundary] RUN499 [e ] -2.5 00533 08785 01.07.98 00:51 V3.P140 Defocus.[8-13_oundary] RUN500 [e ] -2.5 00599 08819 01.07.98 01:56 V3.P141 Defocus.[8_13boundary] RUN501 [e ] -2.5 00486 08817 01.07.98 02:59 V3.P142 Defocus.[8_13boundary] RUN502 [pi] -2.5 05000 00524 01.07.98 04:04 V3.P142 Defocus.[8_13boundary] RUN503 [e ] -2.5 00492 08829 01.07.98 04:23 V3.P143 Defocus.[8_13boundary] RUN504 [e ] -2.5 00315 04005 01.07.98 05:27 V3.P144 Defocus.[8_13boundary] 01.07.98 06:00 V3.P147 Omori team started. RUN505 [ ] -2.0 00000 04982 01.07.98 06:35 V3.P147 [x ] RUN506 [ ] -2.0 00000 10188 01.07.98 07:24 V3.P148 [MUHY5_check ] 01.07.98 09:00 V3.P148 Omori-team ended. Energy=-2.5GeV. RUN507 [ ] -2.5 00000 06979 01.07.98 09:12 V3.P149 Defocus.[8-13boundary] RUN508 [ ] -2.0 00000 04671 01.07.98 10:04 V3.P150 Defocus.[8-13boundary] RUN509 [ ] -0.0 00000 00000 01.07.98 11:47 V3.P151 [cosmic_w/o_beam] RUN510 [ ] -0.0 00000 00741 01.07.98 11:59 V3.P152 [cosmic_w/o_beam] ------+----+-----+-----+-----+---------+-----+-------+----6---------7---------8 RunNo Trig P Nbeam Nmuon Date Time Log C O M M E N T S ------+----+-----+-----+-----+---------+-----+-------+----6---------7---------8